
Medical Malpractice Insurance

Covers the Insured for damages or claims expenses the Insured may be liable for because of physical injury, death, mental injury and illness, mental anguish, disease, disability, sickness and shock of any patient caused by the Insured’s negligence act, error or omission during the conduct of the Insured’s business at its facilities or as part of any Good Samaritan Act.

KennCo’s Target Market includes:

  Medical Malpractice Insurance is applicable to a range of professions

• Corporate Health Providers
• Medical Establishments
• Supplementary medical Practitioners
• Registered Medical Practitioners

(Click here for a list of some professions considered….)

Cover includes:

• Medical Malpractice / Professional Indemnity
• Loss of documents
• Breach of professional confidentiality
• Libel & Slander
• Inquest costs
• Good Samaritan acts
• Public Liability (available for an additional premium)


Call us today on 01 4998331 or request a proposal form by filling out your details below: