
Child Safety on Driveways

Posted on March 1, 2023

The majority of child fatalities in Ireland occur in built-up areas. In particular, many injuries or fatalities occur on residential driveways. Most driveway accidents occur when the driver reverses and cannot see a child behind the car. Reversing a car on a driveway can be difficult because it is on a sloped or narrow surface. house driveway ireland

Tips for Driveway Safety

  • Walk around the back of the car before you get into your car. Don’t forget that it’s not just your own children that you need to be aware of. Neighbours’ children may come into your garden to retrieve a ball etc.
  • Consider adding a fence or hedging along the length of your driveway to prevent children or animals from crossing behind your car.
  • Reverse your car into the parking place instead of driving straight in. This will result in you having much greater visibility when leaving the house again. 
  • Educate your children about road safety and warn them about the dangers of walking or playing behind a car. 
  • Add lighting to your driveway if possible. During the winter months, you may leave and return home in the dark.

For more safety road safety tips, visit rsa.ie


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